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Health Department

Governor Murphy, Senate President Sweeney, and Assembly Speaker Coughlin Announce Intention to End COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

Governor Extends the Public Health Emergency for Another 30-Day Period, But Will Allow It to Expire if Legislation is Enacted Within the Next Month

As New Jersey continues to make progress in the fight against COVID-19 and with state metrics continuing to trend in the right direction, Governor Phil Murphy and his Administration have begun working with Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Coughlin on legislation that will end the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in place since March 2020, while also ensuring that the Administration retains necessary tools to manage the ongoing threat to public health, as well as recovery and vaccination efforts.  

Click here for the full press release.

Governor Murphy Announces That Schools Will Be Required to Provide Full-Time, In-Person Instruction Beginning Fall 2021

Governor Phil Murphy today announced that upon the conclusion of this school year, portions of Executive Order 175 allowing remote learning will be rescinded, meaning that schools will be required to provide full-day, in-person instruction, as they were prior to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.

For the entire press release, click here.

Homeless Hotline

Please see the flyer from the New Jersey HIV Housing Collaborative regarding the New Jersey HIV Housing Collaborative’s Homeless Hotline. If you or someone you know is living with HIV and experiencing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless in New Jersey please call 1-800-624-2377 to speak with an Emergency Housing Coordinator for help with accessing:

  • Emergency Shelter
  • Emergency Hotel/Motel Voucher
  • Case Management

Dog & Cat Rabies Vaccinations

  • Monday, May 2, 2021 @ Firehouse, East Elizabeth Avenue & Chandler Avenue, 3pm – 5pm
  • Wednesday, May 5, 2021 @ Firehouse, West St George Avenue & DeWitt Terrace, 3pm – 5pm
  • Wednesday, May 12, 2021 @ Firehouse, 302 South Wood Avenue, 5pm – 7pm

Masks must be worn, and social distancing must be practiced. Dog licenses will be available for purchase at these programs. Check or money order preferred for the purchase of a dog license. If you have any questions, please contact he Health Department at (908) 474-8409.

FEMA COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

The Union County Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce the County of Union will be holding FEMA vaccination clinics for the COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine for residents 16 years and older in Linden.

  • Make an appointment online by clicking here.
  • If you need assistance making an appointment, please call the Mayor’s office at (908) 474-8493 Monday through Friday 9am until 5pm, and someone will help you make the appointment.
  • Proof of residency is required.
  • Currently, appointments are being scheduled for Thursday April 15th and Friday April 16th.

FEMA COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

The Union County Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce the County of Union will be holding FEMA vaccination clinics for the COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine during the next two weeks for residents 16 years and older in Linden.

  • Make an appointment online by clicking here. If you need assistance making an appointment, please call the Mayor’s office at (908) 474-8493 Monday through Friday 9am until 5pm, and someone will help you make the appointment.
  • Proof of residency is required.
  • Clinics will be held at the Dunn Sports Center, 600 Pearl Street, Elizabeth NJ.
  • Currently, appointments are being scheduled for April 8th, 9th and 10th.

COVID-19 Updates

All NJ Residents Ages 16 and Over will be Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccines Beginning April 19  

All New Jersey residents age 16 and over will be eligible to make an appointment for a coronavirus vaccine beginning on April 19th, Governor Phil Murphy announced on Monday. There are currently 1.8 million fully vaccinated people in New Jersey, said Governor Murphy.

New Jersey Loosens COVID-19 Travel Restrictions 

“While the pandemic is not over, our vaccination program and updated CDC guidance have made it possible for vaccinated individuals to resume travel without quarantine,” said Governor Murphy“New Jersey residents should still exercise caution in traveling and follow all public health rules and regulations as the end of the pandemic comes into view.”

“With the protection of COVID-19 vaccines, many New Jerseyans are eager to enjoy trips to visit families and friends they have missed over the past year,” said New Jersey Department of Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli. “While traveling, individuals should continue to take COVID-19 precautions–wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, physically distancing, and washing hands frequently.”

New Travel Guidelines 

Here are the details of the state’s revised travel guidelines.

COVID-19 Vaccine Finder

COVID-19 vaccine eligibility expands today, March 29, 2021 to food service workers, eldercare workers, social services support staff, hospitality workers, elections personnel, clergy, judicial system workers, logistics, warehousing and shipping services and more.

To find a COVID-19 vaccine and check appointment availability, you can click here and use the Vaccine Finder website. Links to this have also been placed in the COVID-19 header menu and the How Do I menu.

What happens after you get the COVID-19 vaccine?

The CDC has shared helpful information on common side effects, tips to reduce discomfort and scheduling your second shot, along with a printable handout you can bring to your vaccine appointment. Please feel free to share the PDF attachments below with your friends, family, co-workers and community members. Visit the CDC website for additional resources.