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Health Department

Governor Murphy Announces That Schools Will Remain Closed Through the End of the Academic Year

Remote learning to continue until end of school year

TRENTON – Citing the need to protect the health of New Jersey’s 1.6 million public and private school students as well as thousands of educators and support staff, Governor Phil Murphy today announced that statewide school closures will be extended through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. Private schools with longer academic years will remain closed until at least June 30.

While the prohibition of in-person instruction will be maintained through the end of the school year, public schools will continue to provide remote learning for students to allow districts to meet the state-required minimum of 180 instruction days.

“This is a difficult decision and I know that many students, parents, and staff would like to be able to return to school,” said Governor Murphy. “However, I have been unwavering on the message that we need to make decisions based on science, not emotion. And while New Jersey is making great strides in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, science tells us that at this point, we can’t safely re-open our schools.”

“I commend Governor Murphy’s thoughtful, deliberative approach that takes into account the concerns of school administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education community,” said Education Commissioner Lamont O. Repollet. “However, the most compelling factor guiding today’s decision is the health of New Jersey’s students and educators, and their families.”

The Administration will create a steering committee consisting of a diverse group of stakeholders in the education community to explore summer learning opportunities for all students, including school-sponsored summer programming and Extended School Year for students with disabilities. The committee will provide recommendations to the Administration as to which services need to continue to be provided remotely should the public health emergency extend past the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year.

The committee will also explore approaches for the safest and most efficient re-opening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year.

In addition, the Department of Education will work with school officials to share ideas on safe and innovative ways to recognize 2020 high school graduates and other end-of-year milestones for students.

Federal Stimulus Funding

The Administration plans to tap federal funds that will help schools improve continuity of learning, assist with sanitizing and deep cleaning of school buildings, and address the emotional needs of students.

New Jersey recently applied for $310 million in federal funding through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, which is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Districts will have substantial local discretion in use of these funds; the CARES Act lists a number of allowable uses, including:

  • Purchase of educational technology, including hardware, software and connectivity
  • Purchase of sanitization and cleaning supplies
  • Mental health supports
  • Plan and implement activities related to summer learning and supplemental after-school programs, including providing online learning during the summer months to address the needs of student subgroups
  • Planning and coordinating the distribution of meals to eligible students
  • Provide principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address the needs of their individual schools
  • Activities to address the unique needs of student subgroups

Federal officials have signaled that states can anticipate a rapid approval of applications for this stimulus funding.

Updated Preparedness Plans

In the weeks leading up to Governor Murphy’s order to close schools statewide starting March 18, the Department of Education required school districts to develop Emergency Preparedness Plans that addressed critical issues, such as delivery of remote instruction, special education services, and food security. The Murphy Administration will call on school districts to revise their schoolwide Emergency Preparedness Plans to address the extension of school closures through June 30.

Local Linden COVID-19 Updates

  • If you are out of work due to COVID-19, you can apply for unemployment online, if you are eligible. 908-474-8665
  • For those residents who cannot make their rental/mortgage payments because of being out of work please note that you cannot be evicted or foreclosed upon. However, your landlord and or mortgage company/bank can start the proceedings but cannot enforce eviction or foreclosure until 60 days after the Executive Order by the Governor has been lifted.
  • The United Chinese Americans Association of New Jersey donated facial masks to the City of Linden.

What’s closed to the public in Linden and how do I reach them by phone?

  • Linden City Hall – 908-474-8493 
  • Union County Offices – 908-527-4787
  • Linden Municipal Court 908-474-8423
  • Linden Welfare Office – 908-474-8620
  • Linden Public Library
  • Linden Multi-Purpose Center
  • Linden PAL
  • John T. Gregorio Recreation Center seniors who receive Meals on Wheels receive at-home delivery.

Do Your Part

  • Seniors Who Are Shut In – call the Mayor’s office at 908-474-8493.
  • Report price gouging to the Weights & Measures Division of the County Consumer Affairs Department by email or by phone at 908-527-4787.

Corona Testing Site Information

This post contains all testing site related updates.

Holmdel PNC Bank Arts Center

Open to those who live within 50-mile radius of the site. This site and the Bergen County Community College site (below) are alternating the days upon which they operate. 

Bergen County Community College

Open to those who live within 50-mile radius of the site. This site and the Holmdel PNC Bank Arts Center site (above) are alternating the days upon which they operate. 

Kean University on Morris Avenue in Union

Open to Union County Residents, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9am – 4pm. Up to 72 hours for test results. Free testing is available to all Union County residents who wish to be tested, whether or not they are experiencing symptoms. You can now make an appointment online here. You must have proof of NJ Residency IDs when visiting the testing site.

COVID-19 Related Legislation

This post contains updates with relevant COVID-19 related legislation.

Click here to see The Road Back: Restoring Economic Health through Public Health Flyer.

Click here to see all press releases from Governor Murphy’s office.

  • Schools will stay closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. 
  • The Governor’s “The Stay at Home Order” Executive Order states that if you do not need to go out, then please stay home. If you have to leave your home, then please practice the 6-foot social distancing directive.
  • All non-essential businesses are now closed, which include (but are not limited to) restaurants, bars, theaters, hair salons, spas, nail parlors, tattoo parlors malls, aquariums, museums (and in Union County, Adult Daycare Centers). Restaurants located in a mall with an outside separate entrance are able to provide pick-up service for ordered meals.
  • As of May 22, 2020, some businesses have been allowed to open. Click here for that information.
  • Call 211 for updates or text your Zip Code to 898211 and updates will be sent to your phone. 
  • Deadlines for the following have been extended: 
    • OPRA requests
    • Building permits 
    • City budget 
    • NJ State’s deadline to file income tax extended to July 15, 2020.
  • $15 million was approved to assist food banks.
  • Public bodies can now meet electronically and give electronic involvement to the public through email, video, etc.
  • Expanding technology for Board of Educations and students in addition to other school related legislation.
  • School districts will be credited 180 days for virtual learning.
  • A bill regarding employee paid time off so they won’t use sick/vacation time.
  • Governor Murphy announced that decisions regarding the reopening of schools in New Jersey  will not be made until April 17th at the earliest.
  • The NJ Homestead Rebate for residential owned homes is rescinded for 2020. 

Current Union County Hospitalization Data

As of the date of this post, there are 7,200 people currently hospitalized in Union County. Of those:

  • 1,980 are in critical care.
  • 1,570 are on ventilators.

745 people have been discharged. Discharges have outpaced admissions for the last several days, but as per the Governor’s office, we need to see a sustained precipitous drop before we can even consider reopening.

Message from NJ Transit

NJ Transit remains committed to the safety of our customers and employees and is working to ensure a safe environment by following the health standards set by the CDC through the sanitation of our facilities and vehicles and the cleanliness practices of our employees. Additionally, NJ Transit remains committed to providing reliable and dependable service.

Per Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 125 requiring all personnel and customers on New Jersey Transit vehicles to wear face coverings, among other requirements, strengthening NJ TRANSIT’s efforts to protect the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, please be advised that: 

  • NJ Transit now requires all riders to wear a face covering.
  • NJ Transit workers are authorized to limit passenger occupancy to 50% of the vehicle’s maximum capacity on all trains, buses and light rails.
  • Customers should be using NJ Transit services for essential travel only.

NJ Poison Control Press Release

The NJ Poison Control Center remains committed to protecting and improving the health of New Jersey’s residents by reducing the impact of poison and drug exposures. In addition, the Poison Center has been part of the State’s COVID-19 response since late January when Governor Murphy announced opening the Coronavirus Hotline for the public, 1-800-962-1253. Click here to read the Poison Control Center’s latest press release.