Tax Collector
Pay Your Tax Bills Online Here
Stay NJ – New Jersey Property Tax Relief for Senior Homeowners and Renters
- Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for the New Jersey Property Tax Relief for Senior Homeowners and Renters.
- Click here for program details.

Drop Box
The Tax Collector Drop Box is located right next to the bench, toward the Police Department in the parking garage. Click here to see a picture of the drop box to help!
- Bills and collects property taxes
- Collects LRSA sewer payments
- Annual tax sale
- Lien redemptions
- Fills out PTR forms for taxpayers
- Sewer Clean Out Charges
Your tax bill is mailed only once annually, unless the City allows an estimated 3rd quarter bill to be issued.
Your property tax bill includes taxes collected for the County of Union, County of Union Open Space Fund, Linden Board of Education and the City of Linden. After collection, payments are made to the County of Union and Linden Board of Education for their portion of the taxes. The balance of the monies collected is used to fund local municipal expenses. However, New Jersey’s Fiscal Laws require the Municipal Government of Linden to serve as a billing and collection agency for all three separate entities.
Taxpayers are urged to read all of the information contained on the front and the back of their tax bills. Please note that according to New Jersey State Law, failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt a property owner from payment of taxes. Tax bills are mailed annually. If you do not receive your tax bill please contact the Tax Office.
If you receive a tax bill that says “NOT A BILL – FOR ADVICE ONLY”, and you pay your own taxes, then please use the “advice only” bill to make payment and notify our office to remove the bank code from your account.
If you are selling your property, please remit any remaining unpaid portion of your tax bill to the new owner.
Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve you of your obligation to make payments by the quarterly due dates. Interest or penalties will apply from the original due date if you are late in making any payment.
Payments can be made in person by check, cash or money order, by mail by check or money order, or online by credit card or ACH check. Please make checks and money orders payable to City of Linden. If you are mailing your payments, please note that payments are processed based on the date we receive it and not the postmark date on the envelope so please make sure you allow enough mailing time. If you are mailing a check/money order to pay your taxes, please be certain that you are paying the amount for the correct quarter. If you would like a receipt, please send the entire tax bill with your check/money order and include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Your bill will be receipted and mailed back to you. If you do not desire a receipt, then mail the property stub and check/money order. Please make checks payable to the City of Linden.
A ten-day grace period to the 10th of the month is allowed by resolution of the Mayor and Council after which interest is charged from the first day of the month in which payments are due. For example, the First Quarter taxes are due on February 1 each year. If payments are received after February 10, interest is retroactive to the original due date of February 1 as per New Jersey Statue 54:4-66.
Delinquent payments will be applied to interest first and then the principal. The unpaid principal balance will be considered delinquent and will accrue interest. Interest ranges between 8% and 18% depending on the outstanding balance. In addition, delinquent balances on December 31st may be subject to a year-end penalty.
When do I make my property tax payments?
February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1. Although your property tax bill is only mailed once per year, taxes are due on a quarterly basis.
What forms of payments do you accept?
Check, Cash, Money Orders, Credit Cards and ACH Checks via an online payment service.
Is there a grace period for taxes?
There is a 10 day grace period for all tax quarters.
To whom do I make checks payable?
For Taxes: City of Linden
For Sewer – LRSA
With whom can I speak at the Tax Collector’s office?
Click here to be connected to personnel at the Tax Collector’s office.
Where can I learn about Property Tax Relief Programs?
Click here to view Property Tax Relief Programs through the State of New Jersey.
- (908) 474-8434
301 North Wood Avenue
Linden, NJ 07036
(908) 474-8434
Opening hours
Monday9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday9:00 am - 4:30 pm